That Moody Chic

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My Story with Collectively

Photo Courtesy of Old Navy. Shot by Kat Borchart

My Collectively Beginnings

As you all know, I've been modeling and acting for several years now. Things were going well (even as I've gotten older), but the modeling industry was suddenly changing to reflect the growing world of social media, and I knew I had to adapt and change with it in order to thrive. I started a blog and re-joined Instagram. Once I hit a point in my growth where I felt I could take a career approach to my social media & blog, I reached out to Collectively and quickly began a growing, working relationship.

The Collectively Story

Collectively is an influencer agency in San Francisco, CA. They have an incredible community approach and work with top notch, reputable brands. I love how they make you feel really comfortable with approaching different campaigns and projects. They communicate on your behalf with brands, while also being your biggest cheerleader. They are incredibly attentive and helpful with any questions you have. The team are kind of like agents, but I have the flexibility to negotiate my own rate and contracts, and which clients I want to work with, which is empowering as an entrepreneur. I work with brands that I am passionate about and align with my interests. I get to create unique, original content I am really proud of. Collectively really drives for creativity and authenticity, and with that new found creative control, I have been able to hone in on what really sparks my spirit.

Experiences with Collectively

I've had the pleasure of working with incredible brands thanks to Collectively, including an on going partnership with Old Navy and Thirdlove lingerie. They focus on developing long term and lasting relationships with clients and brands. One of my favorite experiences is working with Old Navy. I first worked with them a year ago, shortly after joining Collectively and instantly bonded with everyone, while getting to produce stellar content. Thanks to the success and hard work of everybody involved, I had the pleasure of working with Old Navy again for their spring social campaigns. Collectively went above and beyond to accommodate me and make sure it was a great, successful few days. They even put together this amazing video for me from the shoot (see below), which really shows my goofy side and personality. It's a side of me I don't always share, but I'm so glad they pulled it out of me. 

Say Hi to Kendall Keith x Collectively x Old Navy

Join the Collectively Family

While working on these projects, I've really gotten to know this amazing team of women on a deeper level, and they provide a level of support that is unmatched. Collectively opens a lot of doors for the blogging and social media entrepreneur, and I'm so grateful to be a part of their team. Their campaigns challenge me, which allows me to grow and expand my business and career. My blog and success as an influencer would not be where it's at today if it weren't for them. If you are a successful blogger and/or influencer and want to take it to the next level with an amazing, growing community, I can't recommend Collectively enough!

With Brooke White of The Girls with Glasses, for Old Navy. Shot by Kat Borchart.

Special thank you to Collectively for sponsoring this post!