Wanderlust: Cape Town, South Africa Pt 1
Around this time every year, I feel nostalgic thinking back to my days of living in Cape Town and get that itch to leave the States and travel/work abroad again. I've been grateful to have had opportunities to live in Cape Town, South Africa twice, for a few months at a time, on a model contract. The trips were incredibly life-changing (I've lived there twice now) and am proud to call the Motherland my second home.
I told myself I would stay home this year and focus on my LA endeavors, for which I'm grateful for, but sometimes that travel bug bites me, and I want to leave home.
I actually wanted to start this blog while traveling a few years ago, but was intimidated by the responsibilities and commitment that comes with it (not to mention it was a slightly difficult time, and I was still against the idea of social media then and even deleted my Instagram for a bit--more on that in another post!). I obviously wasn't ready then, but now that I am and am having major wanderlust, here's a fun look back at some of my favorite places and things to see in Cape Town.
The Beaches and Sunsets
Sea Point, Cape Town, South Africa
Camps Bay Beach, Cape Town, South Africa
The beaches in Cape Town are gorgeous and its sunsets are to die for. Some fun spots to lay out include Muizenburg, Fish Hoek, Clifton, Bakoven (you can see the 12 apostles in background), Camps Bay, Sea Pointe, and so much more. I love that while laying out, I could see people sky diving and air sailing in the background...life is a little more adventurous out there!
Speaking of Camps Bay, Seapoint, and Green Point: there are some fantastic spots to eat and go out in these neighborhoods! I also loved eating in the greenmarket square and watching the locals perform, or rummaging through the street art and goods (more on that in part 2!). Going out in downtown at Aces n Spades for a night of dancing to rock n roll was a Friday night staple for me.
Lion's Head

You can't go to Cape Town and NOT climb Lion's Head. Although, it took me a trip to realize that. I finally decided to climb Lion's Head on my second stay in the Motherland. While the hike itself isn't long, the exposure is quite nerve wracking (especially for a gal like me who hates heights), and the hike can be a little devious. It's a great workout nonetheless, and the views of the city are incomparable. It was definitely worth the climb and mild scrambling!

Culture and History
The culture and history here are rich and runs deep. I had the pleasure to explore and learn about the Imizamo Yethu Township and get a sense of what it is like to really live as true South African. I was a little hesitant to visit at first, because the idea of visiting a township via tour, while this is someone's daily life, slightly bothered me and felt slightly intrusive. But I knew I wanted this experience, and that this was one of the few ways I'd learn. It was definitely a day I'd never forget.